I just want to sleep...

Sleep is the most important component of our children's lives that is commonly interrupted. Most children need more sleep than their parents realize.

Signs that your child may not be getting enough rest include irritability or lethargy during the day, trouble concentrating in school or poor grades, and trouble waking up in the morning.

Therefore, to help your child sleep the appropriate hours you can do the following:

  • Set a bedtime . School-age children should be in bed between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. (earlier for younger children and children who need a lot of sleep).
  • Establish a good bedtime routine that helps signal to your child's body that it is time to relax. This could include giving him a bath or a light dinner, reading a bedtime story, and talking or singing softly to him while you tuck him in.
  • Make sure your child's room is suitable for sleeping. It should be dark and quiet.
  • Avoid stimulating activity before bed.

A trick that can help you with these routines is our Pillow Mist, it is carefully made with botanical products to help relax naturally and provide a full night of sleep in children over 6 months and adults. Additionally, it does NOT contain melatonin.

You can also use it as a soft perfume during and after pregnancy, it will help you relax and it will be a smell that your baby will identify when it is born, transmitting peace and reminding it of the mother's womb.

  • It is the perfect companion during travel. It is perfect for your baby to feel safe and at home even in a new environment.
  • When they are not well and are sick
  • During long trips
  • To recover from Jet Lag
  • When they sleep away from home
  • The nights before exams

We are sure that it will help you and you will also be able to sleep!!

PS: Use it too and tell us later :)