5 Ways to take care of yourself during pregnancy

You are pregnant, congratulations! There is nothing like this experience both emotionally and physically. There's the excitement and impatience of meeting your precious baby, and then there's the actual physical task of growing that baby.

Your body will adapt as new life grows. We are often so worried about taking care of our baby's development and growth that we forget how to take care of ourselves. But showing yourself more love during pregnancy also benefits your baby's growth.

So this is your invitation to put yourself first with our five tips for self-care during pregnancy

  1. Prioritize rest

In a world where we go fast, it may seem impossible to slow down. Pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion is never a good idea, but especially when you're pregnant.

There has never been a better time to listen to your body than during pregnancy. After all, you are working very hard to maintain and grow a new life. It makes sense that you might need an afternoon nap or go to bed a little earlier than normal. Allow yourself these moments to rest; Even closing your eyes for 15 minutes during a meal can boost your energy. Prioritizing rest also helps reduce stress levels. This can have a positive impact on your emotional well-being during pregnancy.

  1. Stay active

This may seem like contradictory advice to what is often said "get more rest!" But staying active during pregnancy has many benefits and also helps improve sleep quality.

Pregnancy is not the time to introduce an intense exercise regimen into your life, but any exercise you did before getting pregnant probably has a lighter version that you can continue doing throughout each trimester, so you should talk to your doctors. and coach to help you determine what is best for you.

Many people enjoy swimming, yoga, and lifting light weights during pregnancy. If you don't have an established exercise routine, don't discount the power of daily walks around the house. Some of the benefits of walking outdoors every day may include:

  • Greater energy
    • elevated mood
    • Sleep better
    • Stress relief
    • Improved fitness
    • Reduction of back and pelvic pain

  1. Daily belly care

Pregnancy brings with it many physical changes, and many of them are out of your control. Stretch marks are one of the biggest concerns for women, but the reality is that they are normal. It really depends on genetics. If we could give any advice for self-care, it is to focus on creating a new life.

Using a belly oil can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but massaging a natural nourishing oil into your belly during pregnancy helps ease the discomfort of your skin as it stretches and expands. Even better, though, is the daily ritual of chatting with your belly as you spread and massage the oil.

  1. Pamper yourself

Using a belly oil every day is wonderful – letting someone else do the massage is EVEN BETTER. A pregnancy massage can be absolute heaven for tired legs and sore backs. But if massages aren't your thing, a trip to the day spa for a manicure/pedi or a relaxing facial can make you feel like a new woman. Pamper yourself, you've more than earned it!


  1. Take a “honeymoon”

A pre-baby getaway is good for the soul, good for relationships, and good for doing absolutely nothing if that's what you like! One is the best way to relax and bond before life as you know it becomes something completely new.

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