The best time to start new routines

Going back to school invades us and produces mixed feelings of overwhelm and relief at the same time. On the one hand, it is synonymous with another year, with our little ones getting older with all that that entails and, on the other hand, it means forgetting to do pirouettes for all the free time our children have.

A topic that comes up again and again in conversations with friends is that the best thing about September is the renewed energy after the holidays and the desire to do new things or pick up the ones you left off back in June.

This also applies to children. September is a perfect time to instill new routines that are incorporated into their daily lives in a natural and simple way.

Bath time is one of those routines. It is a time of fun for the children and of taking care of and pampering them for us. When they are babies, it is very common that after the bath it is time for creams, to give them a massage that not only relaxes them, but also takes care of their skin.

And when do they get older? The rush, the children's eagerness to move on to the next activity, our patience that reduces as the hours of the day go by, take their toll on us and hydration after bathing takes a backseat.

Just as it is essential for you (although some of us are a bit lazy) to take care of your skin and hydrate it, it is also essential for the little ones. We give you 2 fundamental reasons:

  1. They are just as exposed to pollution as we are and, therefore, to the adverse effects it has on our skin.
  2. The skin is the largest organ in our entire body and we do not always pay it the attention it deserves.

The best of all is that if you start your little one on this routine (even if it costs you a little at first) it will become part of their daily life and as they get older they will naturally incorporate it into their care.

What should you take into account when choosing the moisturizer for your little one?

Fundamentally, it must be natural, without parabens or sulfates or allergens that can damage the child's skin. The less toxic it has, the better.

Argan or almond oil, calendula, aloe vera or oats are natural ingredients that not only have a pleasant smell; They are also perfect for calming the skin, nourishing it and caring for it as it deserves.

It is also very important that the texture of the lotion is soft, easy to spread and light. There's nothing more uncomfortable than a cream that leaves you sticky and has you waiting until it's absorbed.

The most widespread trick among Bontibú mothers to make hydration something fun and appetizing is to give our little ones a little bit of cream in their hand so that they know in advance the good smell it will leave on them. It doesn't fail!

And you? Do you have any tricks to incorporate these routines into your children? Share it with us!