white noise

For years, white noise has been used with newborn babies as a way to help them sleep peacefully, it is a great tool to help your baby develop a nighttime routine, but what are the benefits and what should we be careful of?

Firstly, it creates a calming atmosphere by replicating sounds that are similar to those inside the womb, helping your little one relax into an atmosphere they are used to. This familiarity helps your baby sleep deeper and longer as they feel more secure and comfortable.

Using white noise can also help drown out any sounds that may disturb your baby's sleep, for example conversations, televisions or noises outside your home, meaning they can get good quality sleep without unnecessary interruptions. This is a great help for those who live in more urban areas, such as large cities, where traffic and other external noises can be louder.

Where can we get white noise in a house? You can use the extractor hood, the noise of the washing machine, the dryer and even download a mobile application. As a last resort, if all of the above doesn't work, you can put him in the car and simply drive until he relaxes and falls asleep.

After developing a good bedtime routine, usually around 12 months of age they “wean off” white noise, using it less and less each night so they can adjust to the natural sounds around them. at home.

Don't forget to combine these noises with our Pillow mist that will make you relax and help you sleep better.

Sweet Dreams!